Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Morning sickness....

So I thought that I would have time before the morning sickness kicked in but noooo. It was in full force the past few days. It is horrible. All I want to do is sleep..Okay so now that I got that out of the way I am going to try from now on to be positive during this pregnancy. So if I complain to much just smack me. Just not to hard.

Still in Shock!

So after four years of trying we find out that we are pregnant. It is a complete shock to us mainly because we weren't expecting it. We went for our first IVF appointment on the 27th of October and were told that we had ovulated. I have never ovulated. NEVER. This was a shock to us. Doc told us to take a test in 2 weeks and call him. So we waited...Not really I took on within the 1st week and it was negative. I took another test 4 days later and it read "ERROR". I had no more test so I had to convince my hubby to go buy some at WM. That same afternoon I took a test..Two pink was really faint and the other bright pink....My my went blank...I email Rachel and she was like "congrats" and "call to see if you can do a blood test".
I called my OB/GYN left a message and waited for a return call. We couldn't wait any longer so my Hubby called our primary and got us an appointment for the next day. 10 min later a nurse from my OB/GYN called and sent us for a blood test. Know the results till the next day. I took another test the next morning mainly because my hubby wouldn't get his hopes up. Same two pink lines. We decided that I should keep my appointment because I needed a doctors not for school anyways. We went did a test there and it was positive. Our Doc came in with the biggest smile on his face. We talked a while then left. I tried to call my OB/GYN for the blood results just to make sure it was still true. Hey, you try for 4 years and not have any doubts. Finally at 5pm my OB/GYN called and said congrats.
What a whirl wind of a day. We went to Hallmark and looked for a card to give to his mom saying the good news. They actually make one! I was so surprised. So now we have told the whole family and basically the whole world. I can't wait to see what the next 9 months have in store!!!!